Timber Harvesting – using cubic splines

Randall Romero Aguilar, PhD

This demo is based on the original Matlab demo accompanying the Computational Economics and Finance 2001 textbook by Mario Miranda and Paul Fackler.

Original (Matlab) CompEcon file: demdp01b.m

Running this file requires the Python version of CompEcon. This can be installed with pip by running

!pip install compecon --upgrade

Last updated: 2022-Oct-22


Profit maximizing owner of a commercial tree stand must decide when to clearcut the stand.

import numpy as np
from compecon import NLP, BasisSpline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
price = 1.0  # price of biomass
κ = 0.2      # clearcut-replant cost
smax  = 0.5  # stand carrying capacity
ɣ = 0.1      # biomass growth parameter
δ = 0.9      # discount factor

Code the growth function

def h(s): return np.array(s + ɣ*(smax - s))


Code the approximant and the residual

ns = 200
vhat = BasisSpline(ns,0,smax,k=3)
def vhat1(s): return price*s - κ + δ * vhat(h(0))
def vhat0(s): return δ * vhat(h(s))
def resid(c,s=vhat.nodes):
    vhat.c = c
    return vhat(s) - np.maximum(vhat0(s), vhat1(s))

Solve collocation equation

cc = NLP(resid).broyden(vhat.c)

Compute critical biomass

scrit = NLP(lambda s: vhat0(s)-vhat1(s)).broyden(0.0)


Compute refined state grid

ss = np.linspace(0,smax,1000)

Plot Conditional Value Functions

fig1, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(ss, vhat0(ss), label='Grow')
ax.plot(ss, vhat1(ss), label='Clear-Cut')

ax.set(title='Conditional Value Functions',
       ylabel='Value of Stand')

vcrit = vhat(scrit)
ymin = ax.get_ylim()[0]
ax.vlines(scrit, ymin,vcrit,'grey',linestyles='--')

ax.annotate('$s^*$', [scrit,ymin])
print(f'Optimal Biomass Harvest Level = {scrit:.4f}') 
Optimal Biomass Harvest Level = 0.3067
../../_images/01b Timber Harvesting -- cubic spline_18_1.png

Plot Value Function Residual

fig2, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set(title='Bellman Equation Residual', xlabel='Biomass', ylabel='Percent Residual')
ax.plot(ss, 100*resid(cc,ss) / vhat(ss))
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x1b6720651c0>
../../_images/01b Timber Harvesting -- cubic spline_20_1.png

Compute ergodic mean annual harvest

s = h(0)
for n in range(100):
    if s > scrit: break
    s = h(s)
print(f'Ergodic Mean Annual Harvest = {s/n:.4f} after {n+1} iterations') 
Ergodic Mean Annual Harvest = 0.0362 after 10 iterations